To present with impact, motivate a crowd or nail an interview, become a good storyteller
The brains we have now are, first and foremost, those of oral historians, of storytellers.
To present with impact, motivate a crowd or nail an interview, become a good storyteller
The brains we have now are, first and foremost, those of oral historians, of storytellers.
When it comes to delivering a great presentation, focus on performance not PowerPoint
Slides and visual aids have their place, but they are often used in the completely wrong way.
To have an impact with any communication, you need to work out what motivates your audience
Here’s what we can learn about communication from the greatest advertisers.
What Obama can teach us about one of the most common and challenging interview questions
Like many communications problems, we can look to politics for a steer on how to prepare.
To communicate clearly, you need to be aware of what you might know too well.
When you fail to fully examine a reference, you increase your chances of a costly mis-hire
It’s just a formality, goes the thinking, and it is that thinking that causes employers major problems.
You need to tackle your unconscious bias before it ruins your company
We all have deeply ingrained subtle biases. It often can’t be avoided, but it can be managed.
Forget easy fixes and power poses, the best way to improve your body language is hard work
The key to developing strong, confident body language is to develop earned confidence.
How to deal with bad online reviews - and turn the haters into fans
This communications guru delivers a masterclass in how to handle negative comments online.