Veteran broadcaster Tom McGurk was hit with a tax bill of €75,000

Horse trainers and hospital consultants were also named on Revenue’s latest defaulters list.

By Fora Staff

BROADCASTER TOM MCGURK was among a number of people included in Revenue’s latest tax defaulters list.

The presenter, best known for RTÉ’s rugby coverage as well as hosting radio shows, was hit with a €75,000 bill for under declaration of his income.

He had been billed nearly €43,000 but by the time interest and penalties had accrued, it added up to €75,000. He has since paid his bill in full.

Rima Productions Ltd, a company co-owned by McGurk and his PR guru wife, Caroline Kennedy, also made a settlement of more than €160,000 for the under-declaration of corporation tax, VAT and payroll-related taxes.

Horse trainer James Leavey from Kildare was listed as owing Revenue over €2.24 million. Following its own investigation, Revenue determined that Leavey owed a tax bill of a little over €1 million. However, when interest and penalties were added, that figure, which is still unpaid, rose to €2.24 million.

Others named on the list included hospital consultants and hoteliers.

In total, there were 81 settlement cases published by Revenue today with a total value of €17.4 million.

Some 34 cases were for amounts exceeding €100,000 – seven of those exceeded €500,000 and three were for sums of over €1 million.

Revenue said that the published settlements reflect only a portion of all its audits and investigations.

In the three-month period to 30 September, a total of 1,253 audits and investigations, together with 22,567 risk management interventions were settled. This resulted in nearly €139 million in tax, interest and penalties being returned to the state.

Written by Garreth MacNamee and posted on

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