Poll: Do you think taking parental leave has a negative impact on your career?
Recent surveys suggest there is stigma attached to taking time off work.
PARENTAL LEAVE HAS improved in Ireland recently, with the government adding two paid weeks paternity and maternity leave from the start of November.
There seems to be stigma attached to taking time off work, particularly among male members of the workforce, with a recent survey from recruitment firm Matrix suggesting that many men worry that taking paternity leave could “reflect on their commitment to their employer”.
A separate UK report found that more than a quarter of women who take maternity leave say it has negatively impacted their careers – an issue that has cropped up on Irish shores as well, with recent Workplace Relations Commission figures showing a spike in the number of employees who said they were not allowed return to work after the end of their maternity leave.
Keeping this in mind, Fora is asking readers this week: Do you think taking parental leave has a negative impact on your career?